Friday, March 16, 2012

Teaching Religion

I still feel that I must be the world's least qualified Catechism teacher.  I was really dreading having to teach 7th grade CCD again this spring. 

"I've got other stuff to do." 

"I really don't wanna." 

Let the litany of whining commence.

Poof!  I must have been listening to God this morning, or more likely, He hit me over the head with it! because I came back in the house after walking the dog with a new attitude.


Quit messing with me!

I decided that if I'm going to feel this undecided, apprehensive, etc about going back to teaching, then maybe it's not because I'm a bad teacher, but maybe it's because I've been letting those hints of doubt enter in.

I've got something to pass on to these kids!  I'm not exactly sure what that is, yet, but I'm going to do my job and do it to the best of my ability so they remember something from my class.

Off to prepare my lesson plan for tomorrow's class.

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