Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday - April 29, 2013

It was a gorgeous weekend.  70 both days, with a slight breeze.

I think the girls spent every waking moment outside, which would explain the little bit of red on noses, cheeks, necks, and ears.  Gotta get the sunscreen out again.  And since we've had winter until last week, nobody remembered to drink enough water.

I think we were all cranky and slightly dehydrated by the end of Sunday.

We got a lot accomplished, too.

Cleaned out the temporary goat pen from the garage. Penned in the round bale and fixed the fence around it. Picked up sticks and garbage from the yard. Pumped up tires and got bikes ready to roll.

Now, it's Monday afternoon.  I have homework to work on, but have a headache.  I'm hoping the sinus stuff will kick in shortly.

It's been raining on-and-off all day. Right now, the sun is trying to peek through.

I got a roast out for supper, but I really don't want roast for supper.  I think I'll hold off on that until tomorrow. So, I have to head back to the deep freeze to find something else.

I even have my husband on board for making the "summer" goat pen bigger and tie it together with the winter pen.  Accomplishes the following: Goats will have more area to move around the yard and it gives me less to mow!  Seriously, the savings in gas will almost pay for the fence this summer, especially since I'm cutting the mowable area in half - when you have 3 1/2 acres, taking out half of that is a big deal.  And we're going to pick up the grass whenever I do mow, so we can feed the goats that.

Alright, time to look in the freezer and get back to Accounting Principles homework. Blech!

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