Friday, November 11, 2011

I Shall Be Healed

My sister urged me to share this story.

I have a bum ankle. I fell down a flight of stairs about 18 months ago and never had it looked it.  When I went for my physical, I mentioned it to my Dr. and she gave me a referral to an orthopedist.

4 x-rays later and oh, about two minutes with the Dr., I was told that I might have had a break, but it might only have been the way my bone developed.  He could prescribe physical therapy, but my life sounded really busy, so he would give me the letter and I could try and find somewhere closer to my home.

But, I should know that I don't have to have a bum ankle.  That it could spontaneously heal.  Huh?  Really?  Somehow, I didn't think that spontaneously healing would occur 18 months after the fact.

Picture this:

Revival meeting tent set up.  Crummy sound system playing bad gospel music.

Healer (in a bad white suit) at the front of the crowd calling me forward.

Him telling me that "You shall be healed!" (Slap to the forehead)

"I can walk!" 

Wait.  I could walk before, but now my wrist hurts from slapping him back.

Yeah, guess I keep stretching it and be okay with having a bum ankle.

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