Sunday, November 6, 2011

We Get An "A" for Effort

Saturday afternoon, we decided to go to a local church for 4 o'clock Mass, as a family!!!!!  Everyone loaded in the car and ready to go.

Something kept nagging at me. I KNEW something was going on, but darned if I could remember what it was about this parish this weekend. 

No.  We're good. Keep going.

We literally got within 500 feet of ABVM parish and I remembered what was so important about this Saturday.  CONFIRMATION!!!!!!!!  With THE Bishop, not just A Bishop.

Ugh....  Momentary panic.  Do we go?  Can the kids handle it?  They had about 25 people getting confirmed during Mass.  They would really learn something. I would get shivers watching them receive the Holy Spirit.

The state of the parking lot and the local streets decided it for us.  Church easily holds 400+ people and it was GOING TO BE PACKED.  No way were we going to get through Mass without a toddler meltdown and probably of Epic Proportions.

Saturday Vigil at our home parish is a no go, because we don't have Mass until 7 p.m., which is better than it used to be at 8 p.m.  However, my kiddos would never be able to stand that.  And with the time change, going to Mass today would have been over snack time - which is never a good thing to interrupt.

So, I'm giving us an "A" for effort for trying to get to Mass this weekend.

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