Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thankful Thanksgiving Thursday

It's easy to list the "thankful fors" today on this day when everyone else is celebrating their thanks. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm thankful for little pirates.

I'm thankful for girls with the "I can do it" attitude, even if it means starting over and over, again.

I'm thankful for nephews that tease their cousins.

I'm thankful for impromptu concerts and kids that love all types of music.

I'm thankful for my wonderful husband who does what I ask, even when he really doesn't want to.

I'm thankful for my Dad who lets my kids "help," even when it's faster to do it by yourself.

I'm thankful for my Mom who is always there. (Sorry for not having a picture!)

I'm thankful for lots of homemade canned food and plenty of food in the cupboards and the freezer and the money to be able to buy more.
I'm thankful for my sister being able to come and visit us for a long weekend earlier this year.  Love you!

Thankful Thursdays
A time to remember to be thankful
A pause in the week for praise,
thanksgiving and thinking positively
in addition to the normal daily praise
we need to give God.

p.s. and Thankful for Jamie at Lord, Make Me a Saint for the encouragement she keeps giving me, even while she keeps getting handed the raw end of the deal with this latest pregnancy.  I prayed my rosary for you and your little one last night.  God Bless.  (And for giving me the idea for Thankful Thursdays and the above quote!)


  1. Traci--I'm thankful for you!
    Thank you so much for your blessed prayers, they mean so much!

    Love your thankful Thursday, love all the canned stuff, wish I'd have learned how to do that...someday maybe?

    My kiddos learn to ride bike on our hill too, pretty cute!

    Speaking of Thanksgiving, is that stuffing your husband is scooping?

    Happy and blessed Thanksgiving!!

    PS, I think I forgot to come back and comment on all you did this week, wow, you did super!!! All your crafts are wonderful!

  2. Jamie,

    You're a dear!

    My mother has always canned, so I learned from her.

    Nope, he's scooping mushed apples, so we can make apple cider.

    Thanks for the compliments.

  3. Jamie,

    You're a dear!

    My mother has always canned, so I learned from her.

    Nope, he's scooping mushed apples, so we can make apple cider.

    Thanks for the compliments.


  4. Cute pictures, Traci. We hope you all had a good Thanksgiving. Ours started with everyone sleeping in! I think that is a first. Otherwise it was uneventful. Love, Krista


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